Stanija is an endlessly sensual, magically charismatic, and intelligent young lady. But is she a joyful angel or a model everyone adores? Does it matter?
Stanija Dobrojevic is a Serbian socialite, glamour model, and media personality.
Stanija’s star power brought her more than 1.5 million followers on Social media. 1.5 million followers on Instagram is a mighty influence for a small Balkan country of 8.7 million people. Serbia’s Social media ratings consistently rate Stanija is among the top three of Serbia’s most followed Social Media personalities and influencers.
Stanija is known as ‘Serbian Kim Kardashian’ in the Balkans and part of Europe due to her star power influence and the effect she has on the media and public.
Stanija is celebrity media icon in Serbia, her name has become synonymous with fame, glamour, and controversy. From her humble beginnings in Serbia, she has risen to become one of the most influential media figures in the Balkans and beyond. Her journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, taking her from the prestigious pages of magazines to the screens of TVs and into the hearts of millions.
Her journey from competing in reality shows like “Survivor Costa Rica,” “Farm,” and “Zadruga” to acting in the series “Zvezdara.” Not to mention her foray into the music scene, enchanting audiences with her hit song “Glavni Akteri” during electrifying performances at Europe’s most renowned clubs. With a massive following on social
media, every post she makes becomes a headline, sparking discussions throughout different media channels.
Stanija was born on March 17th, 1985. in Croatia, she has been living in the USA since 2008. The0 Murder of her father in 1995 during the war in former Yugoslavia significantly affected Stanija’s life. Stanija’s father was an economist and a politician, a man of exceptional authority and reputation. After this tragic event, Stanija moved to Serbia with her mother and a younger brother Sani so they could
peacefully grow up and attend school. Stanija was always an excellent student in both primary and high school. Her academic success allowed her to enroll in prestigious University of Economics, from which she graduated with the highest honors. Her brother Sani graduated from the University of Veterinarian Sciences and is presently a very successful Veterinarian in Serbia. Despite their tough childhood, Stanija and Sani became highly educated and proud academic citizens of Serbia.
Stanija always wanted to travel the world. So, throughout her college years, she had an opportunity to experience a “Work & Travel” program in America. Her first student job was a Black Jack Dealer for Caesars Entertainment Corporation, with a basic salary of around $1000 per week. Stanija lived very humbly and, in the
first three years of working for Harrah’s saved more than $100,000. Money earned in the US helped Stanija become financially independent early in life.
So, how did Stanija become one of the most famous women in the Balkans?
In 2010 Stanija participated in Playboy magazine’s most beautiful model competition in New Jersey, USA, and she won! After this contest, she had the privilege of staying in the Playboy mansion and meeting Hugh Heffner himself. Legendary Hugh Hefner was mesmerized by Stanija’s beauty and charisma. At the time, Playboy magazine produced a hugely popular reality show, “Girl next door.” Therefore Stanija’s victory gained significance. She then caught the eye of the Serbian public as the first and only Serbian woman to be recognized by Playboy magazine as one of the most beautiful women in the world. During the same time, the international public became interested in Serbia due to the unprecedented success of Serbian tennis superstar Novak Djokovic. The American magazine “Complex” featured the Top 10 Most Beautiful women in Serbia. The “Complex” magazine introduced Stanija Dobrojevic as the Serbian Sex Symbol. Shortly after this publication, “Maxim”, “CKM” and “Playboy” magazines featured Stanija’s spectacular beauty.
Stanija Dobrojevic became a TV star by participating in the most extreme Reality TV show, “Survivor,” shot in Costa Rica. After the “Survivor,” Stanija took part in the Reality TV Show “Farma4”. “Farma4” brought Stanija the most fame and
recognition. She won second place and the hearts of many people throughout the Balkans. She was officially a Serbian national sweetheart! From that moment on, Stanija became known as the busiest girl in Serbia. Numerous magazines featured Stanija on the cover pages as she became the spokesperson for various beauty, nutrition, and fitness products. Stanija then joins the crew of the Reality TV Show “Farma6”. This time she was determined to win it all. Stanija also participated as a guest star in the Zadruga reality show. The success of reality shows made Stanija Balkan’s highest-paid reality star.
Stanija also had a brief acting stint in the popular Crime show Zvezdara, where she played a girlfriend of a notorious criminal. Shortly after, Stanije started her singing and music production project in Serbia. Backed by the finest musicians and producers Stanija published her first hit single, “Glavni akteri” (Main Characters). The single became an overnight success, with over one million YouTube views in 24h. This sole hit enabled Stanija to perform in clubs all over Europe, throughout Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Germany. Stanija was unprepared for the demands of a career in the Music industry, which involved nonstop traveling, stress, tension, tv shows participation, endless interviews, and paparazzi. Feeling she was losing herself, Stanija decided to retreat to USA, where she could recuperate and enjoy a private life. Her team was very upset about her decision to quit the music business so in retaliation went on to delete all her songs, recordings and her youtube channel.
Stanija has also faced challenges due to her fame. She has dealt with rumors and falsehoods spread to increase newspaper sales and online clicks. However, she has successfully confronted these falsehoods in courts of justice, emerging victorious.
However, it is Stanija’s love life that truly intrigues the public. Her romantic escapades have often become the subject of speculation in tabloids, fueling endless rumors. Her short and scandalous love affair with the Serbian national football team player Gojko Kacar was at the center of media attention for a long time. However, after that experience, Stanija tried to keep her love life away from the public eye. The media also relentlessly followed her last long-term relationship with the fashion model Marko Markovic. The media and public considered Stanija and Marko to be the perfect and beautiful couple. However, Stanija abruptly ended the relationship with Marko. This sudden breakup left the public and fans wondering
what had happened. The latest saga unfolded in the summer of 2023, when shocking
revelations emerged amidst plans for her upcoming wedding. A woman came forward, claiming to be married to Stanija’s fiancé and alleging the existence of a child. This scandal continues to dominate discussions in the Balkans and Serbian media. Despite the chaos of the media frenzy, Stanija remains composed and seeks solace in the tranquility of America.
Beyond her media career, Stanija has become a trusted face of prestigious brands in Serbia and beyond. She has also taken her passion for beauty care and body supplements to the next level, launching her own brand, Organic Cosmetics.
Stanija’s team wants her to use her education and star power to join the political life in Serbia and continue her father’s legacy, who gave his life to Serbia. But, for now, Stanija remains involved with humanitarian work supporting abandoned children and donating to Serbian monasteries.
Her future is yet to be written.
Stanija je srpska medijska ikona i njeno ime je sinonim za lepotu, glamur i kontroverzu.
Od prvog pojavljivanja do danas, Stanija je postala jedna od najuticajnijih medijskih licnosti na Balkanu i sire. Ona je fenomen koji je sa naslovnih strana prestiznih muskih magazina dospela na TV ekrane osvojivsi srca milona
Njeno ucesce u “VIP Survivor Costa Rica”, “Farma” i “Zadruga”, zatim gluma u seriji “Zvezdara”, senzacija u muzickom svetu sa hitom “Glavni akteri”, zastitno lice prestiznih firmi, mnoge kampanje i TV reklame, ucinili su da Stanija bude jedna od najpracenijih zenskih figura u Srbiji, a svaki njen post na socijalnim mrezama postao bi diskusija medijskih portala.
Rodjena je 17. marta u Hrvatskoj, po nacionalnosti Srpkinja. Otac joj je bio politicar, covek posebnog autoriteta i ugleda, koji je 1. maja 1995. godine likvidiran u akciji “Bljesak”. Stanija je imala 10 godina kada su joj u jednom danu ubili oca, zapalili kucu i bacili bombu na auto!
Sa majkom Slavicom i mladjim bratom Sanijem u koloni izbeglica preselila se u Srbiju, gde je u miru mogla da odrasta i skoluju se. Stanija je uvek bila odlican djak, kako u osnovnoj tako i u srednjoj skoli. Srednju ekonomsku “9 maj” zavrsila je u Sremskoj Mitrovici sa prosekom 4,95! Upisala je drzavni Ekonomski fakultet po ugledu na oca
i diplomirala je sa cistom desetkom! Njen brat Sani je takodje zavrsio fakultet i danas radi kao uspesan veterinar! Iako su imali tesko detinjstvo, Stanija i njen brat Sani su danas obrazovani ljudi i ponosni akademski gradjani zemlje Srbije! To je ujedno bila i najveca zivotna zelja njihove majke, da zavrse fakultete i izrastu u dobre i uspesne ljude!
Stanijino najvece bogatstvo tokom srednje skole bio je hrvatski pasos sa kojim je proputovala skoro celu Evrope, a onda je htela i “ceo svet”! Nakon druge godine fakulteta otisnula se na studentski program “Work&Travel” u Ameriku. Prvi studentski posao bio je jedan od najprestiznijih poslova u Atlantic City-ju, blekdzek diler u Harrahs
kazinu! Njena pocetna plata iznosila je 1000$ nedeljno, sto je za nju kao studenta iz Srbije bila dobitna kombinacija. Stanija je radila i cuvala novac prve tri godine dok nije ustedela prvih 100 000$, zatim se vratila u Srbiju i pocela da ulaze u nekretnine! Jako brzo se finansijski osamostalila i postala svoj covek!
Onda se pitate ko je Stanija ‘heroina srpskih medija’?! Stanija je prvi put dospela u medije kao prva i jedina srpska lepotica koju je zapazio legendarni vlasnik prestiznog svetskog magazina Hju Hefner i zbog toga je bila pozvana u Holivud gde je ucestvovala na
takmicenju za najlepsu playboy golf devojku i pobedila! Ubrzo nakon toga nasla se na svim naslovnim stranama prestiznih magazina “Maxim”, “Playboy”, “CKM” i proglasena srpskom sex bombom i jednom od najlepsih Srpkinja od strane americkog magazina “Complex” koji je to objavio u momentu kada je Novak Djokovic proglasen za prvi reket sveta! U zizi javnosti i medijskog skandala nasla se zbog ljubavne afere sa fudbalskim reprezentativcem Gojkom Kacar kada su uhvaceni od paparaca na finalnom teniskom mecu Novaka Djokovica u Splitu jula 2010.
Stanija je nakon toga zapocela svoju rijaliti karijeru ucestvujuci u najekstremnijem rijaliti sou programu “Survivor” koji se snimao na Kostarici. Zatim je usledilo ucesce na “Farma 4” gde je osvojila srce publike ne samo svojim izgledom nego i karakterom i postala miljenica nacije! Na “Farma 6” je odnela pobedu i prvo mesto i samo jos jace
utemeljila svoj status najpopularnije i najplacenije rijaliti ucesnice sa nasih prostora. Ucestvovala je i u “Zadruzi” ali sada vec kao zvezda sa statusom i specijalni gost. Stanija je zastitno lice najprestiznijih firmi Srbije koje reklamira u medijima, na drustvenim mrezama ili bilbordima sirom zemlje. Oprobala se i kao glumica. U popularnoj seriji “Zvezdara” glumila je devojku kriminalca. U muzicke vode uplovila je kao senzacija i atrakcija sa hitom “Glavni akteri” sa kojim je imala uspesnu turneju po najjacim nasim klubovima sirom Evrope! Njena muzicka karijera bila je uspesna,
popularna i bombasticna! Iako je iza nje stajala ozbiljna masinerija i jak muzicki tim i imena kao sto su Marina Tucakovic koja je pisala tekstove, Damir Handzanovic muzika, Dejan Milicevic spotove, Stanija je odlucila da prekine da se bavi tim poslom! Njen muzicki tim bio je razocaran njenom odlukom i izbrisali su joj ceo youtube kanala, pesme i spotove. Stanija je osetila i onu manje lepu stranu popularnosti te je njeno ime cesto zloupotrebljavano sve zarad prodaje novinskog tiraza i online klikova portala, a zbog cestih lazi i izmisljenih prica pravdu je uspesno trazila na sudu.
Ipak je Stanijin ljubavni zivot ono sto najvise intrigira javnost, a poslednja afera u kojoj se nasla desila se samo nekoliko dana od objave Stanijine veridbe kada se u najgledanijem rijaliti formatu “Elita” pojavila ucesnica koja tvrdi da je zakonita supruga Stanijinog verenika i da imaju dete. U jeku skandala Stanija se sklonila u Ameriku gde gradi svoj zivot i karijeru.
Njeno vreme tek dolazi…